Over the years, Indradhanu has conducted annual concerts featuring legends and maestros of Indian Music alongside young performers of Kolkata as well as students of Indradhanu. We also organise baithaks over the year to create a platform for our students and encourage them. The first annual concert in Kolkata was organised in 2009 at Birla Academy of Art and Culture followed by Uttam Mancha in 2010 & 2011. The fourth annual concert was organised in 2014 at ICCR Auditorium followed by the 5th annual concert at Dr. Triguna Sen Auditorium, Jadavpur University in 2016. Our 6th edition of annual event was organised at Sovabazar Natmandir. In 2019, we celebrated Indradhanu's 10th year celebrations at ICCR Auditorium (Kolkata) and Rabindra Nilay (Medinipur), which was organised by Aarohan, an organisation based in Medinipur.